The Utopia Repository

The Utopia Repository is an addons repository for Debian, administered by James Lu. Supported architectures include amd64 (primary target), i386, armhf, and arm64.

Absolutely no warranty is provided for the software in this repository; use at your own risk!



The following releases are supported by the repository:

Components Overview


This repository works like any other APT repository, and is signed using a PGP key. Both HTTP and verified HTTPS are available.

1) Add the repository to sources.list

I am using and would like the following sections:

2) Install the repository's PGP signing key

Download the latest utopia-keyring package over HTTPS and install it locally:

sudo apt-get install ./utopia-keyring_*_all.deb

Updates to the keyring set will be automatically applied afterwards.

3) Enjoy?!

After adding the repositories of your choice, simply run apt-get update to update your repository cache. Then, you will be able to install packages whichever way you like. (apt-get, aptitude, synaptic, etc.)


Why did I make this?

  1. Simplicity. Instead of adding 5 repositories for the things I commonly use, I only need to add 1.
  2. Convenience. This repository hosts a few meta-packages (utopia-* in main) to make it easier to pull in a working system. (forget selecting 30 individual packages!)
  3. The learning experience. This is pretty self-explanatory. :)


You can reach me at any of my Debian emails, or open an issue on the utopia-packages GitHub repository.